White Privilege – German Style

[caveat: most of the links are in german – I will fix this, if I find the time]

After reading Tim Wise commentary on white privilege in the US elections, I thought that it might be worthwhile to point out that similar standards are of course applied in Germany and elsewhere.

After all, nobody really objects to the church employing only members of their confession, even though they’re patronizing enough to tell everyone else that certain minorities need special attention, but of course no equal treatment.

But of course the muslimes are expected to have their teachers studying at an institute which is run by a man who questions the one of the core beliefs of Islam, notably the existence of Mohammad as a historical figure. And then the discussion is on about the „feelings of the muslims“ and their unwillingness to „integrate into society“ as if it wasn’t double standards all the way and as if they weren’t part of society already.

Granted, the German Muslime Council is as conservative in religious matters as you can be without running into trouble with the law, and of course its head is a convert, always the most zelous to any cause. Yet nobody expects any liberal insights coming  from any of the next 200 popes, so if you’re looking for reform movements within Islam, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

Dreams of a Terminator

„When Isaac was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a
Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment—you can’t miss it.“

These were the words of David Brickner, describing a terrorist attacks on Israelis as God’s „judgment of unbelief“ of Jews who haven’t embraced Christianity, uttered in a sermon in the Wasilla Bible Church. You can read the full sermon here.

Now this rant of some guy about how his imaginary friend will beat up other peoples imaginary friends is  insofar interesting as Mr. Brickner is the new head honcho of the aforementioned Wasilla Bible Church, which is in turn the church of Mrs. Sarah Palin. And someone equalling a terrorist attack with his imaginary friend’s judgement is one thing, but someone listening to something like this and not walking out, and then getting chosen to run for vice presidency leaves me speechless.

And I know about different cultures and traditions between the US and Europe, and that we have enough airheads in our own governments, and I know it is all too easy to shake heads at such folly and move on, yet such people make me want to paint psalm 137.9 in big red letters all over their silly faces.